OpenReports CN 开源商业智能报表解决方案

OpenReports CN – 开源报表解决方案 ,BI商业智能框架,可快速生成和计划生成报表,兼容常见数据库,支持异构数据,集中报表呈现。

OpenReports 是一个基于web的报表解决方案,可为用户提供通过浏览器查看动态创建的PDF、HTML或XLS格式报表的能力。OpenReports 使用Java开发的,并使用JasperReports作为报表生成引擎。


OpenReports支持各种开源报告引擎,包括JasperReports、JFreeReport、JXLS和Eclipse BIRT,从而为各种报告需求和功能提供支持。 OpenReports还包括QueryReports和ChartReports,易于创建基于SQL的报告,不需要预定义的报告定义。 此外,OpenReports现在通过Mondrian和JPivot支持OLAP。


  • 支持多种导出格式,包括PDF、HTML、CSV、XLS、RTF和图像
  • 基于Web的用户、组、报告、参数和数据源管理
  • 灵活的时间安排,包括每小时,每天,每周,每月和Cron调度和多个收件人
  • 全面的报表参数支持,包括日期、文本、列表、查询和布尔参数
  • 精细的安全性控制对报告、计划和管理功能的访问
  • 报告审核跟踪生成的每个报告的开始时间、持续时间、状态和用户
  • 支持多个JNDI或连接池数据源用于生成报告
  • 通过安全的报告生成URL支持深入查看报告和外部应用程序集成

OpenReports报告生成和调度功能也可直接通过ReportService获得,ReportService是一种面向服务的体系结构(SOA),用于报告生成和调度。 ReportService提供了一种功能,可以通过作为SOAP Web服务公开的全面而灵活的API以及HTTP GET/PUT请求,将报告功能快速添加到现有或新的应用程序中。

OpenReports is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use open source web reporting solution that provides browser based, parameter driven, dynamic report generation and flexible report scheduling capabilities.

OpenReports supports a variety of open source reporting engines, including JasperReports, JFreeReport, JXLS, and Eclipse BIRT, to provide support for a wide range of reporting requirements and capabilities. OpenReports also includes QueryReports and ChartReports, easy to create SQL based reports that do not require a predefined report definition. In addition, OpenReports now supports OLAP, via Mondrian and JPivot.

OpenReports provides a web based report generation and administration interface with the following features:

  • Support for a wide variety of export formats including PDF, HTML, CSV, XLS, RTF, and Image.
  • Web based Administration of Users, Groups, Reports, Parameters, and DataSources.
  • Flexible Scheduling including Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Cron scheduling and multiple recipients.
  • Comprehensive Report Parameter support including Date, Text, List, Query, and Boolean parameters.
  • Fine-grained security controls access to Reports, Scheduling, and Administration functionality.
  • Report Auditing tracks start time, duration, status, and user of every report generated.
  • Support for multiple JNDI or Connection Pool DataSources for use in generating reports.
  • Support for Drill Down reports and external application integration via secure report generation URL.

OpenReports report generation and scheduling capabilities are also available directly via the ReportService, a Service-oriented architecture (SOA) for report generation and scheduling. The ReportService provides the ability to quickly add reporting functionality to existing or new applications through a comprehensive and flexible API exposed as a SOAP web service and to HTTP GET/PUT requests.


OpenReports v3.2.0 UTF8汉化版 / OpenReports v3.2.0 原版
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